Today, as we mark the 54th anniversary of humanity's audacious leap onto the surface of the moon through the Apollo mission, we are drawn back to the remarkable day of July 20, 1969. That's when Neil Armstrong, an embodiment of the daring American spirit, descended from the lunar module and etched the first human footprints onto the lunar dust. This epoch-making feat illuminated the breathtaking scale of human ingenuity, casting an undying light on the path of scientific progress.
However, in our times, filled with the cacophony of digital chatter and the murky shadows of misinformation, there are those who question the veracity of our lunar feat. They assert that NASA's triumphant moon landing, this giant leap for mankind, was a mere illusion, a grandiose deception undermining our shared history. As a devoted scientist with over two decades of service within the hallowed corridors of NASA, I once thought it unnecessary to counter these conspiracy theories. But today, high above the clouds, with a few hours in hand, I find it incumbent upon myself to shed some light on this subject. Armed with the sword of scientific rigor and shielded by firsthand experiences, debunking these conspiracy theories and defending the hallowed achievements of NASA, and the spirit of scientific exploration itself, is not just possible but essential.
The core of moon landing conspiracy theories revolves around alleged anomalies in photographic and video evidence, assumed political motivations of the Cold War era, and so forth. To shine the light of truth on these points, we need the lens of scientific and historical analysis.
1. "Anomalies" in Photography and Film
A rigorous examination of the Apollo images requires a profound understanding of lunar conditions and photographic principles. For instance, the so-called "anomalies" in shadows are actually results of lunar surface topography and the distortions caused by wide-angle lenses, which can be verified through experiments. Therefore, it's incorrect to imply multiple light sources from these "anomalies". Moreover, scientific experiments have shown that the lunar surface's light reflection, or "albedo", can explain the seemingly strange shadow phenomena.
Regarding the "fluttering" American flag questioned by conspiracy theorists, this is actually a design effect of the flag in a vacuum. The flag is supported by a horizontal bar and was subjected to inertia during installation by the astronauts. In the airless environment of the moon, this ripple effect would persist, while on Earth, air resistance would quickly stop such motion. The TV show "MythBusters" ( successfully replicated this phenomenon in a vacuum.
Furthermore, the "missing stars" are due to the daylight conditions on the moon and camera settings. The brightness of the sunlight and the camera parameters set to capture well-illuminated astronauts and equipment made the faint stars difficult to capture. Considering the moon lacks atmospheric scattering, objects directly reflect sunlight. If the film's exposure time were long enough to display stars, it would result in overexposure, causing the images of the astronauts and lunar landing equipment to be overly bright and blurred.
2. Historical Background
To view the moon landing as a Cold War deception for victory in the Space Race overly simplifies and neglects key historical facts. By 1969, the U.S. had already demonstrated its space technology capabilities through a series of achievements, such as the first spacewalk. Furthermore, the moon landing program involved tens of thousands of scientists, engineers, and technical and media personnel. If a fraud of such magnitude existed, it's unlikely it could have been kept secret for over half a century. Moreover, during the Cold War, the Soviet Union, the U.S.'s main competitor, closely monitored NASA's Apollo missions and never questioned their legitimacy.
3. The Issue of Missing Master Tapes and Blueprints
Regarding the "missing master tapes" raised by conspiracy theorists, the fact is, slow-scan television was used during the Apollo landings. What was lost were the first reel-to-reel tapes derived from the master tapes, not the master tapes themselves. After a period of search, these materials have been found, restored, and made public.
Concerning the "loss of Saturn V blueprints" and "why Saturn V was not used subsequently", in reality, physical models of the Saturn V rocket are still publicly displayed today. After the Apollo program, Saturn V was used for Skylab missions. For missions in Earth orbit, we don't need large rockets like Saturn V, just as we don't need to fly a plane to buy groceries at the local store. Moreover, from a modern technology perspective, Saturn V's design is somewhat outdated. Current rockets, like Delta IV Heavy and Falcon 9, are safer, more reliable, and provide more options to meet various space mission requirements.
4. Technological Development and Lunar Landing Capability
Concerning the issue that "the U.S. can't return to the moon despite significant technological advances", this is actually due to a shift in developmental goals. In 1969, the U.S. was primarily driven to reach the moon to compete with the Soviet Union and demonstrate national power. However, afterward, the U.S. Congress and the public generally believed that space exploration was unrelated to everyday life, and with the U.S. engaged in the Vietnam War, the budget for space exploration was often reduced, and the space program was directed towards more Earth-focused objectives.
5. Question about Apollo 17 Crew Egress Photo
For the question about Apollo 17 crew members not wearing spacesuits when exiting the module in photographs, we need specific images and more information for a detailed analysis. Generally, for the safety of astronauts, they are strictly required to wear spacesuits during all stages of a moon mission.
6. The Petrified Wood Issue
In 2009, researchers at the RIJKS museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, discovered that their "moon rock" was actually petrified wood. This sample was given as a gift to the then Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees by the Apollo 11 astronauts during their visit to the Netherlands in 1969. A detailed investigation into this alleged switch is still pending. However, it's worth noting that over a hundred countries received moon rock samples from the U.S., and no other country reported receiving fake moon rocks.
7. Communication Issues
Regarding the development of mobile communication technology and the issue that "live broadcasting between Earth and the moon is not possible", in reality, although communication technology from the era of vacuum tubes is backward compared to modern times, we were still able to establish communication between Earth and the moon. The latency in communication seen by the audience during the live broadcast of the moon landing was minimal, as scientists and engineers of the time used a range of specialized techniques and methods to reduce communication delay.
8. Other Misconceptions:
Common misconceptions include the absence of an impact crater and the capability of the Apollo landing computer. The Apollo lunar lander used reverse thrust to gently touch down on the lunar surface, avoiding an impact crater. As for the landing computer, it was purpose-built to handle the specific needs of the mission.
9. Concrete Evidence:
Beyond mere debunking, the authenticity of the moon landing is fortified by an abundance of evidence: thousands of photos, live broadcasts, lunar rock samples, and the still-in-use laser reflectors left by the Apollo astronauts, not to mention the undeniable images of Apollo landing sites captured by lunar orbiters.
The existence of moon landing conspiracy theories underlines the need to promote scientific literacy and critical thinking. They are a stark reminder of how misinterpretation and miscommunication can obfuscate truth and belittle our collective achievements in space exploration.
The moon landing is not just a historical event. It is a testament to the boundless courage of humanity, a celebration of our ceaseless innovation, and a beacon of our relentless pursuit of the universe's mysteries. Today, I urge us all not to surrender to conspiracy theories but to honor the pioneering spirit that the Apollo missions symbolize. It's a towering beacon, a testament to our shared journey of scientific discovery. We must recognize that questioning is the pulse of scientific advancement, but such doubts must be grounded in evidence, not baseless suppositions. Let us continue to pay tribute to the unyielding courage and indomitable resilience of the many scientists, engineers, and astronauts. Their toil, their commitment, their unflinching determination have lit the beacon on our path to the cosmos.
重访月球登陆: 捍卫美国宇航局的辉煌成就和科学探索的精神
作者:蒋红涛, 2023年7月18日
然而,在这个充满了数字喧嚣和错误信息乱传的时代,存在着一群质疑月球登陆真实性的人。他们声称美国宇航局 (NASA) 登陆月球的重大成就是一次精心策划的骗局,试图对我们共享的历史投下怀疑的阴影。作为在NASA工作超过20多年的科学家,我原本不觉得有必要花时间去理会这些阴谋论。但今天在飞机上有几个小时的时间,我决定用这些时间来阐述几点。借助我多年积累的科学严谨性和亲身经验,对这些阴谋论进行反驳并不难,主要是为了维护美国宇航局的成就以及科学探索的精神。
1. 摄影和电影中的“异常”
关于被阴谋论者质疑的“飘扬”的美国国旗,其实这是真空中的国旗设计效果。国旗被一个水平杆支持,在宇航员安装时,国旗受到了惯性运动的影响。在月球无空气的环境下,这种皱褶效应会持续,而在地球上,空气阻力会迅速停止这样的运动。电视节目“神秘破解者” (“MythBusters”曾在真空中成功地复制过这一现象。
2. 历史背景
3. 母带和图纸丢失的问题
4. 科技发展与登月能力
5. 阿波罗17号人员出舱照的疑问
6. 石化木头的问题
7. 通信问题
8. 其他的疑虑
9. 实证证据